main package (~1.7 Gb): 1 exe file + plugins.svm with all default plugins that get normally installed with FLStudio → More updated portables and less unnecessary size! ability for me to release a small program update through these separate files, without having to make the whole thing form scratch for each update. useful for plugins & so: reduces main exe size that contains only the program, then you can download the plugin package only if you want it! Updates include: Mixer send compensation, Wet/Dry mixer FX compensation, Audio input compensation, Metronome compensation, Plugin Wrapper custom values remembered per-plugin and improved PDC controls in the Mixer. Plugin Delay Compensation (PDC) – PDC and Automatic PDC have been rebuilt, from the ground up, to support today’s complex workflows.Users can now work with multiple versions of their project saving ideas, sound design and ‘arrangements’. Each Arrangement is the complete layout of Audio, Automation and Pattern Clips. Playlist Arrangements – The Playlist now supports multiple ‘Arrangements’ (Playlists).

Use these features to compile audio-takes into a single Audio Clip, reduce CPU load by converting real-time synthesis and effects processing to audio or convert MIDI to audio for further processing and resynthesis. Render Clips to Audio, Render Clips to audio and replace Playlist Pattern Clips.

Options include Consolidate Playlist Clip selections or complete tracks.